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Myprotein impact whey protein

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Myprotein impact whey protein

Why choose Impact Whey Blend? Its high protein content per 30g serving provides high levels of essential amino acids and branch chain amino acids, which are particularly important for growth, repair and maintenance of muscle mass – ideal for supporting all kinds of fitness goals. Myprotein® - Creatine Monohydrate 0. 55lb & Vanilla Flavored Impact Whey Protein 2. 2lb & Chocolate Brownie 2. 2lb - Ideal for All Sports and Exercises - Ready to Mix Food Supplement Powder Powder $114. Cumpără Impact Whey Protein | Proteine | MYPROTEIN™. Zer premium cu 21 g de proteine per porție, pentru proteinele de care ai nevoie dintr-o sursă de calitate - aceleași vaci care produc laptele și brânza pe care le consumi. When to take Impact Whey Protein? It’s fast absorbing, so we recommend adding 1 large scoop (25g) to water or milk 30-60 minutes post-workout — but it’s ideal any time for a convenient way to get the protein you need. As a follow up to this awesome post on r/fitness from last year, I was hoping we could have an updated MyProtein Impact Whey flavor rating now that some of the flavors have been discontinued and others have been added. Overall, I give MyProtein Impact Whey Protein 2/5 stars. It has a few pluses but other that it’s a little below average in my book. It’s pretty inexpensive, but you get what you pay for. About $27 gets you 40 servings of protein.

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