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Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas Download Pdf

Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas download pdf

Are you looking for a book that exposes the lack of originality in the advertising industry? Do you want to see how many ads are actually copies of other ads, either intentionally or unintentionally? If so, you might be interested in reading Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas by Joe La Pompe, a French blogger who has been hunting down copycat ads for nearly 20 years.

Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas is a book that showcases dozens of examples of identical or very similar ads from around the world, spanning different media, categories, and time periods. The book invites the reader to judge for themselves whether these ads are the result of deliberate plagiarism, unlucky coincidence, or creative convergence. The book also features unique hashtags that allow the reader to interact with Joe La Pompe's extensive research, cast their opinion online, and make their own judgments.

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The book is not only a source of entertainment and curiosity, but also a visual lesson in originality and creativity. The book challenges the reader to look closer at the ads they see every day and to appreciate the ones that are truly innovative and unique. The book also campaigns for more creativity in the advertising industry and encourages advertisers to avoid recycling ideas and to strive for originality.

If you want to download a pdf version of Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas, you can visit [this link] to access the Google Books preview of the book. You can also buy the hardcover edition of the book from [Amazon] or from [gestalten], the publisher of the book.

We hope you enjoy reading Copy Paste: How Advertising Recycles Ideas and discovering the hidden secrets of the advertising world.




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